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the expansion of passenger

已有 227 次阅读2010-12-24 13:37

Starting from June Dongfeng passenger bus companies in the country try to credit at present this business has achieved preliminary results Our bus service is still in the exploratory stage of credit but the pattern of Dongfeng commercial vehicle business can learn from Minister of the company s passenger car sales Yaoya Zhou told reporters Credit reference Dongfeng commercial vehicle bus company s approach is Dongfeng Bus Company customers can set up in provinces and cities designated ugg outlet sales contact car business selling the company by a designated customer credit review compliance review by the Dongfeng Motor Finance Limited approval with customers able to sign loan contracts auto sales sales of the company as a secured party by the Dongfeng Motor Finance Company provides loans customers just pay the down payment and you can repay the loan principal and interest accordingly It is reported that Dongfeng s passenger bus company launched the efficiency of uggs outlet credit business is characterized by high risk complicated procedures like banks then On one hand we have the dealers to provide partial guarantees on the other hand our staff will customers income tax status loan repayment status for the credit investigation Yao Yazhou said Although the volume of passenger business loans compared to passenger cars and trucks in the industry is very small However with the development and procurement of public transport volume increase coupled with ugg boots sale uk the expansion of passenger transport market the demand for passenger cars is also increasing the potential of this market is still quite large Yaoya Zhou told reporters It is understood that in April as the automobile industry one of the revitalization plan to promote the development of policies and measures for auto finance release and its main contents include revising and improving automobile consumption credit system the backbone of support for eligible domestic automobile manufacturers to rolex replica establish auto finance companies In the passenger car manufacturer the present only Yutong Bus has a dedicated security company most of the passenger car business is conducted through the cooperation of credit and banking business Many users do want to buy bus transit tourism inter-city passenger transport business but lack of funds or they do not want to pay the full amount I would like to enter through the lower operating threshold of this market

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