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已有 184 次阅读2010-11-13 15:33 |

362 China News Network Disclaimer republication China Newsweek articles written authorization by the Service in Indonesia following the December tsunami in the Indian Ocean hit hard after the Indian Ocean archipelago nation than fifth magnitude earthquake hit at the same time the earthquake triggered a tsunami and volcanic eruptions As of October evening the disaster led to dead and hundreds missing Indonesia s Meteorology and ugg boots sale Geophysics agency according to the news release local time on October evening GMT Indonesia island of Sumatra earthquake on the Richter epicenter Mentawai West Sumatra Province Township km southwest of the county Department degrees south latitude degrees east longitude focal depth of km Earthquake lasted minutes after which they have occurred in the region a magnitude and two aftershocks Local time at on moncler jackets the th Indonesia North Sulawesi province a magnitude earthquake occurred evening southwest of Indonesia s Sumatra Richter earthquake Because of fear local residents have fled outdoors because of fear of a tsunami many people fled to escape the Peak After the earthquake authorities immediately issued a tsunami warning but minutes later lifted the warning Then according to China s national earthquake measuring Beijing uggs boots on sale at on the th the waters southwest of magnitude Sumatra earthquake the U S Geological Survey reports the quake at magnitude In West Sumatra province in the Mentawai Islands and North Island South Bagheri cover the island the tsunami finally hit -meter-high tsunami waves crossed the coast about m resulting in a local village most of the houses damaged in the tsunami cruise uggs outlet ship missing crew members on board five in Indonesia and Australian citizen Mentawai Islands are located outside the volcanic island of Sumatra island group in the West Bank than the road from the west Virginia Xi Bola South and North Bagheri cover other islands a population of about After the earthquake most of the islands interrupt communications and high waves made it difficult canada goose rescue team arriving in the area so the ** departments will arrange a helicopter delivering water food clothing tents and other worth million rupiah about relief supplies to disaster areas There has been declared a state of emergency for days Indonesia is located in the Pacific seismic belt the size of the earthquake that took place thousands of times December Aceh region of GHD hair straighteners Indonesia magnitude earthquake and lead the Indian Ocean tsunami killing more than people dead more than million people homeless the night of March off the coast of Indonesia s Sumatra Island earthquake the earthquake killed at least people July afternoon the island of Java magnitude earthquake occurred in southern waters minutes after the tsunami hit the southern coast of Java killing at least ugg boots people were killed magnitude undersea earthquake occurred in Indonesia people were killed and hundreds wounded September afternoon the Indonesian island of Sumatra magnitude earthquake killed more than people Indonesia is located in the famous Pacific volcanic belt on the whole territory has active volcanoes the islands are widely distributed in the country Local time at p m on October about three times as ugg loud in the densely populated island of Java volcanic peaks near the center of Mount Merapi volcanic ash and other substances are emitted directly to km high clouds State Department immediately Indonesia volcano alert level raised to the highest red indicating the possibility of volcanic eruption at any time About million residents were ordered from the volcano s danger zone of km radius uggs sale of the evacuation about people have moved to makeshift tents most of them women children and the elderly Merapi volcano is the most active volcanoes in Indonesia the outbreak of the past there have been recorded The volcano last erupted in June resulting in two deaths But it is the most serious outbreak occurred in when more than people killed and in another outbreak it took more than lives


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