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已有 367 次阅读2011-3-4 16:27 |系统分类:生活日记|

, of course, likely that most people still prefer to see Quake and the HL2 code. To make their deeper impression,moncler france, I have chosen their own from scratch, according to data on the only views and processes DIY, without reference to the code. I often refer to the reference was to into the working state, the first problem is the configuration of scene data. BSP is not difficult to a certain extent, brought about the algorithm itself, BSP algorithm is simple and clear and not too many complicated things in there. Generally, the complex is good BSP and editors need to combine for Portal, Brush,moncler handbags, Entity and Path Point sort of customization,Monster beats by dr dre attracting a lot of player, directly from 3D Max and then export a Mesh analysis, the restrictions from the practice too much, so, instead of BSP split that is difficult, it is more difficult BSP editor. I remember an old book once said, BSP BSP editor's code is more than 10 times the segmentation algorithm, think, true, and only will be greater than that.

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