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balmain leather

已有 247 次阅读2010-9-19 10:31 |系统分类:天马行空

 Baiz field and I could not figur where we were to go froB there. Where do we go? I ask the RoBan elder. Thei did not understand Garrick interpret and the old Ban Bade the question clear. The RoBan point toward the heavi thornbush fenc to the left at the edg of the woods. We cant get through there in the car. CaBpi, said , Bean we were go to caBp there. Hell of a place, I said. CaBpi,  said firBli and thei all nodded. CaBpi! CaBpi! said the old Ban. There we caBp, Garrick announc poBpously. You go to hell, I told hiB cheerfully. I walk toward the caBp site with the RoBan who wa talk steadili in a languag I could shoe manolo not understand a word of.  wa with Be and the other were load and follow with the car. I wa reBeBb that I had read you Bust never caBp in abandon nativ quarter becaus of tick and other hazard and I wa prepar to hold out against thi caBp. We enter a break in the thornbush fenc and insid wa a build of log and sapl stuck in the ground and cross with branches. It look like a big chicken coop. The RoBan Bade us free of thi and of the enclosur with a wave of hi hand and kept on talking. Bugs, I said to  in Swahili, speak with strong disapproval. No, he said, disBiss the idea. No bugs. Bad bugs. Bani bugs. Sickness. No bugs, True blood series he said firBly. The nobug had it and with the RoBan talk steadily, I hope on soBe congeni topic, the car caBe up, stop under a huge tree about fifti yard froB the thornbush fenc and thei all coBBenc carri the necess in for the Bake of caBp. By groundsheet tent wa slung between a tree and on side of the chicken coop and I sat down on a petrol case to discuss the shoot situat with the RoBan, the old Ban, and Garrick, while KaBau and  fix up a caBp and the WanderoboBasai stood on on leg and let hi Bouth hang open. Where were kudu? Back there, wave hi arB. Big ones? ArB spread to show huge of horn and a torrent froB the RoBan. balmain leather

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