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Diamond wedding couple to wear gowns hand be with through wind and rain process

已有 275 次阅读2010-11-9 03:10 |系统分类:生活日记|

Bohai morning paper dispatch (reporter HanShuai correspondent ZhangHui LiKeHui) with the wedding march "melody, pair of" the newcomer "clasped in dress to be buckled, with marriage dresses, dance... This is not the collective wedding, "the newcomer" people also over 80 years old. Today, TianDaJie "neighbor festival activities, 10 to hold characteristic diamond wedding old couples to wear gowns, recur year scene, and review their sweet dress trials and hardship course.
After extensive solicitation, this street of the elder association TianDa region selected from 10 to 60 years of age and older couples, hire a professional company elaborate design, decorate the diamond wedding ceremony. The streets to old people prepared cake, in celebration eveningdressof love, community JiNianKa diamond for these children grandparents offer flowers, street, community numerous residents in succession to express a blessing. Diamond wedding old people also in succession prom dressesto showcase its talent, beautiful song god and lithe and graceful dance to bring you a surprise.
"Couple again re-debate trials and hardship course" link be the focus, residents to listen to the old people maintain feelings longevity "secrets". MAO grain people big ye is a long-time engagement in underground work before liberation of the old revolution, this year, including his wife 87th XuShuWen aunt 90 years old. The old couple married so far since its 1937 74 years, fulfills the path "hand, and son xielao" pledge. MAO grandpa told reporters: "we both are arranged marriage, I am student. She is not high, in the 'cultural their parents' orders by matchmakers' help' bring together, walking under together by now young people that no love. But we are first married falling in love, I'm not home all stem revolution not only, still at any time there are dangerous, their old people, children all depend on her care. Ups and downs so many years we have experienced separation and suffering, always think I've owed her too much, can't sorry she. So-called days living feeling, we dress  now have surpassed the feelings of love."

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