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Perhaps loss of Chanel bags

已有 291 次阅读2011-3-5 14:33 |个人分类:bags|系统分类:情感日记|

Perhaps loss of Chanel bags

    Bing has taken into account during the lifetime of the cause of inherited, ordered his son to do three stone figures, the town at the river, the measurement Chanel outlet of water level. Four hundred years after Li Bing's death, and perhaps loss of three stone man has been missing, the official re-Han made the water high and three meters of the "three stone man of God" to measure the water level. This "three-stone man of God," which one, actually is the statue of Li Bing. Chanel bags

    The water officials Han Bing must undertake the great souls, daring in his own respect for the founder of the town on the river water measurement. Bing's mind he knew, only there is the most suitable positions.

    Silt stone was finally buried the years. Twentieth century, unearthed the seventies, there is a stone head has been crippled, her hand clasped a long spade. Some people say that this is the son of Bing. If not, I still regard him as the son of Bing. A modern writer to see this statue eyebrows - "No mud Airan smile, breaking the neck and long spade in hand," she thus gentlemen to cross-examination of modern officialdom Gun Gun: alive or dead, should stand Where? Chanel handbags

    Statue unearthed in the exhibition is being Fulong. People in the roaring sound of water thundering silence in memorial to them. Here, I suddenly had a certain optimism about Chinese history: the soul and spirit lingers as long as Li Bing, Li Bing's son will be multiplied from generation to generation; the roar of the river, is the most holy perfection of the words.

    Hengjiang see a rope bridge. High bridge, bridge cable from the rope, woven bamboo strips. Kuashang Qu, bridge to swing violently, the more hesitant to advance and retreat, the greater the swing.

    Peep at such a high place under the bridge, will be conscious panic; but this is the bridge, full of blank, can not help you see. A look under the first shock, the latter is amazing. Chanel sunglasses

    Jiang Liu foot, far away from it swiftly with one hesitate to pull off momentum, buttressed by the cold, spitting foam, sharp sharp enter. I got so high it also felt the acupuncture skin air-conditioning, it is estimated that it came from the snow-capped mountains of it. However, look at the other side of the bridge, it literally turned into a lot of sparkling canals, a kindly face. Conditioning people in the forces of nature, actually done so refreshing. If human beings do are so refreshing, the Earth has long been a vice look like another.

    Dujiangyan conditioning forces of nature philosophy was summed up nearby Mount Qingcheng. Chanel bag Chanel

    Qingcheng is the Taoist Holy Land, Taoism is the only native of the major religions in China. Taoist Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu learned the Taoist philosophy, the teachings of the water as a symbol of visualization. Water, seemingly boneless supple, able to get the momentum rolling, wave swells stacked, very strong; appears colorless and tasteless, but it can walk on the vast green fields, rich fruits, colorful; seems low since the office, but it can transpiration highest heaven, the clouds for rain, the rainbow as the Xia; seemed to have no style, able to nourish all things as a savior has been anxiously hoping for ... ...

    It appears that people in the flood; in fact, all flood control programs are successful because people realize the water, go with the water, listen Chanel bags to the water. Only in this case, to appear Heaven, without me selfless, live forever.

This is the road.

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