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Where the beauty Prada bags

已有 349 次阅读2011-3-5 14:35 |系统分类:情感日记|

Where the beauty Prada bags

    Taiqing water here, where the peach is too brilliant, playing and singing here, a little sultry, sweet snacks here, where the woman is too pretty, too Prada Outlet much tea here, where the Shusi too close, over-flowing calligraphy here, Emotion is not enough desolate painting here, where the lack of the Yi River Heroes Diya poetry guttural.

    Thus, all the cold face of Suzhou, quietly sitting back, greeting sent, live law-abiding; but also do not want to re-dressed, to receive the share of the king gas. Anyway, an old man, go for the pain that followed Zuoshen?

    Long story, Suzhou, grievances, have suffered more than two thousand years ago. Prada Bags

    It was late Spring and Autumn, along Suzhou and Zhejiang Yue Wu playing neck. In fact, Wu and Yue This is a, the two princes are foreign adventurers. First, beat Goujian king lu, and then was defeated Yue Fuchai successor. Yue trick dastardly use of allegiance, in fact, determined to improve himself, and finally a comeback after a decade, became the overlord of the last Spring and Autumn Period. Prada Handbags

    Less well known in China this was originally a melee tell right from wrong, It became only appreciate the counsel and patience Yue, mock king of the damned. For thousands of years, the more the capital of the country has been hailed as "revenge revenge of the town", then the Suzhou it? Of course, the "subjugation to the king of death." Prada Shoes

    Wu Yue melee reflect on the most bitter of Suzhou people. Wu Yue fought several major battles between the two occasions, the wild fight, one in the south of Jiaxing, one in Lake Dongting Mountain, while the third was captured Yuejun Suzhou, the tragic story of a wish by a glance. Early use of the accounting period Yue, Suzhou has been continuously suffer. Yue seeds with cooked rice as a tribute Wu and Wu for the seed, crop failure, famine received by the people of Suzhou. Yue encouraged king pleasure, the construction of numerous pavilions, servitude borne by the people of Suzhou. Finally, the conquered people of taste, letting people enjoy Suzhou.

    There is also an important legend Yue a trick, is to the more beautiful the country dedicated to beauty into the king, to induce him to excessive debauchery, lazy management affairs. Ji Cheng, Xi Shi vote been home to the official Journal of the river, because she has been with the "subjugation" word attached to the most dominant taboo. Prada Sunglasses

    Suzhou soft-hearted, they do not care who wore "Yue spy" the identity of the girl to bring their own much larger disaster, only to find her poor, half-truths to keep a large number of monuments to commemorate her. It is said that the western suburbs of Suzhou today Lingyansi Lingyan Peak is where the original living beauty, the king who were of the "Guanwa Gong." Lingyan Mountain is a major attraction in Suzhou, visit during the event if the old man met a few enthusiastic Suzhou, they would carefully tell you, where is the beauty hole, where a beauty mark, where is the Wan Yue Chi Ho is that king well, always associated with beauty.

You see, when people have been to avenge the Prada bags more traditional and proud, they sent other people to take care of beauty with the girl but was, cleaning the, combing, excuse, even in honors.

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