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Planchas pelo ghd this book

已有 124 次阅读2011-3-1 15:22

of the letters and calls we received were prefaced with comments like, "I've never told anyone but " The callers and writers then proceeded to divulge their deepest desires to the anonymous Project We listened, gratefully, as we gathered data ghd brushes on what made, or would make, people fall in love How the Techniques Were Developed Let us leave the world of sexuality for a moment Come with me to my second discipline, the field of communications It is here I take the findings, and turn them into workable techniques to ghd prices make someone fall in love with you It has been proved beyond any doubt that there are ways to induce desired behavior from people If there were not, all Page psychologists and thousands of corporate trainers, myself included, would be out of business There are established methods for invoking various emotions and for changing people's behavior For example, we can learn how to deal with difficult people or how to make troublesome employees respond in the desired way Feedback from seminars I have presented for ** organizations, universities, professional associations, and corporations convinces me that we can indeed effect changes in behavior patterns We accomplish this complex task by first understanding people' ghd ceramic ghd straighteners ireland hair iron s basic needs and motivations, then by employing the right verbal and nonverbal skills to modify their behavior That is what I do in this book Drawing from the scientific studies, I reveal the basic needs and motivations that make someone fall in love Then I give you the right verbal and cheapest ghd nonverbal skills to induce the behavior you want—in this case, to make that person fall in love with you This book is the result of many years of research and exploration into several disciplines: interpersonal relationships, human sexuality, communications skills, and gender differences We not only draw from scientific studies into the nature of love and from my personal research, but we also benefit from the work of modern therapists and communications analysts I am especially grateful for the work of sociolinguist Deborah Tannen and the clever Mars/Venus analogies of therapist John Gray, who made it common knowledge that men and women have vastly different styles of thinking and communicating What is t buy g Ghd planchas hd hair straighteners he recipe for making someone fall in love with you? Can it be reduced to a formula? The following sounds simple, but it is actually quite complicated You start with a solid scientific base of what makes up interpersonal attraction Then you gather profound information about your Quarry (the person you want ghd hair styler to make fall in love with you) Next, you employ sophisticated, often subliminal, communication techniques to meet his or her conscious and subconscious needs Finally, you secure your Quarry with your spicy perception of precisely what he or she wants sexually Page There you have it: the formula for making a Potential Love Partner fall in love with you How I Tested the Techniques I wasn't content with simply relying on research I needed to see if these techniques would work in the field Several years ago, to test my buy ghd hair straighteners theories, I created a seminar with the same title as this book, "How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You" Invitations flowed in from all over the country from colleges, singles' groups, clubs, and continuing education organizations It is on this ghd iv straighteners playing field that the material has been t ghd hair iron ested And the feedback from my students is, "Yes!" You can make someone fall in love with you Is it a simple task? No Does it require sacrifice? Yes You may decide, after reading Planchas pelo ghd this book, that capturing his or her heart is simply not worth having to give that much of yourself But if you do want to proceed, follow me We will explore the skills needed to accomplish the task, to make the Potential Love Partner of your choice fall in love with you (You notice that I have used the words Potential Love Partner several times I will do so throughout the book because, although it is bulkier, the phrase is m buy ghd hair straighteners ore accurate than anyone, which my publisher wisely decided is more readable) Who are your Potential Love Partners? First, a Potential Love Partner (or PLP) is anyone who is ready for love Timing, if not everything, at least counts a lot For example, if someone has just lost a beloved spouse, he or she may not be ready for love That knocks him or her—temporarily —out of the PLP category

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