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已有 117 次阅读2011-3-1 16:59 |

Let's go to the studies Four highly respected social scientists, pioneers in the study of love, were firmly convinced, as Page were their colleagues and the general ghd ceramic iron public, that men like a hard-to-get woman better After all, everybody values that which they have to work for, right? However, not to leave any stone unturned, they conducted an in-depth study called "Playing Hard to Get: Understanding an Elusive Phenomenon" Researchers polled a group of college men on whether they preferred a hard-to-get woman, and why The responses were predictable: "Well, sure, if she's hard to get, it must mean she's more sought after Yes, if a girl is popular, she can afford to be choosy Well, my friends will envy me: there's a lot more prestige in going out with a hard-to-get dame" At this point, the researchers felt going through with a field experiment would be practically worthless It was a foregone ghd straighteners ireland ghd wide plate straighteners conclusion that hard to get meant better But, being responsible scientists, they put this theory to the test They hired a group of young men and women who had signed up for a computer-dating program The men were to call the women and ask them for a date The researchers told the women that half the time, they should pause and think for three seconds before accepting the date, thus playing hard to get The other half of ghd hair straighteners uk the time, they should accept the date immediately, with enthusiasm, thus being easy to get Afterward, researchers asked the men how they felt about the women The results astounded them In spite of what the men had said in the hypothetical situation, in reality they did not like the hard-to-get women any better So much for that theory The researchers tested and retested the hypothesis in five ways, and all five methods failed to change the result Just as science destroyed the prevailing theories that the world is flat and that heavier stones fall faster than smaller ones, science has destroyed yet another myth: Playing hard to get with the ghd stockists man does not make him want you more At least, not at first But there was a wrinkle, as further experimentation showed In another part of the study, Ghd planchas men had the opportunity to choose from among five women for a date, thinking that other men were competing for her company That worked When the Page woman was hard to get for his rivals, but easy to get for him, he liked her morea lot more TECHNIQUE #: I'M HARD TO GET (BUT, FOR YOU, BABY ) Considering playing hard to get? Don't with him When he asks you for a date, ghd hair straighteners uk respond immediately and energetically, "Oh, I'd love to!" But then, later, subtly drop hints that you're hard to get for other men Be very subtle The Scientifically Proved Best First Date Many a Hunter, having beguiled his new Quarry into a first date, now wonders, "Where should I take her?" Many a Huntress, when asked where she would like to go, simply says, "Let's go out to dinner" This has always been my choice Over dinner you can get to know your Potential Love Partner, and it gives him the opportunity to explore all the wondrous facets of your ghd ceramic iron scintillating personality But if your goal ghd purple limited edition is to get your Quarry to fall in love with you (as the fact you're reading this book attests), dinner is not the best choice There is compelling evidence showing your Quarry will be more attracted to you if you place him or her in an emotionally stirring or vulnerable situation There is a strong link between emotional arousal and sexual attraction, as researchers proved They took female research assistants and male subjects to a scenic spot to ghd ceramic straighteners conduct an experiment The locale was a popular tourist attraction where the subjects could peek way down into a frighteningly deep cavernous Planchas pelo ghd gorge Only two bridges crossed the gorge One was the choice of tourists, a safe and solid bridge And there was the other one The other one was terrifying! It swayed from side to side, blew in the wind, and tipped precariously Page over the gorge Only a few brave feet ever trod across this bridge In the study, male subjects were assigned to walk across either one bridge or the other Whichever bridge they traversed, all males were met on the other side by a female research assistant ghd hair straightener australia After crossing the bridge, either the solid one or the tippy, precarious one, a female research assistant showed each subject a picture He was told to write a brief story about it Then the female research assistant thanked the subject and gave him her home phone number She casually remarked that if he would like to "further discuss the experience," he could call her at home What was this experiment all about? The researchers were looking to see which ghd australia stories had more sexual imagery and which men took the female research assistants up on their invitation to call them at home

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