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may it be 指环王

发表于 2009-10-21 03:49:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 乖乖凌 于 2009-10-21 04:04 编辑

   在2000年11月1日,恩雅推出了新专辑《A Day Without Rain(雨过天晴)》并高踞BillBoard五甲位置数月之久,在全美国的销量已经达到680万张。在2002年的第44届格莱美奖评选中,《A Day Without Rain》再次荣获最佳新世纪音乐专辑大奖,足见广大听众对其喜爱程度。《may it be》是该专辑第13首歌曲。   

       May it be an evening sta r
       Shines down upon you
       May it be when darkness falls
       Your heart will be true
       You walk a lonely road
       Oh! How far you are from home
       Morni? ut¨²li? (Quenya: Darkness has come)
       Believe and you will find your way
       Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)  
       A promise lives within you now
       May it be the shadow's call
       Will fly away
       May it be your journey on
       To light the day
       When the night is overcome
       You may rise to find the sun
       Morni? ut¨²li? (Quenya: Darkness has come)
       Believe and you will find your way
       Morni? alanti? (Quenya: Darkness has fallen)
       A promise lives within you now
       A promise lives within you now

发表于 2009-10-21 04:08:45 | 显示全部楼层
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